This is a sales and marketing dashboard to evaluate how the business is handling its opportunities. It depicts the sales pipeline and the value of opportunity lost that gives sales manager visibility to make decisions. The dashboard also shows which marketing channel is contributing to generating maximum leads.

This dashboard is an example of leads analytics. It monitors trends like the total deals closed every month, average time taken for the sales process and the sources, channel the leads came from.

This dashboard is another example of leads analytics. It monitors trends like the total deals closed every month, average time taken for the sales process and the sources, channel the leads came from.

Nulla faucibus tincidunt eros, a pharetra tellus vestibulum hendrerit. In in egestas libero. Aliquam aliquam at tortor et maximus. Mauris blandit a sapien nec aliquet. Duis molestie elit hendrerit turpis mollis, nec euismod justo fermentum. Fusce et sodales tortor. Duis dignissim justo at consectetur pellentesque.

Nulla faucibus tincidunt eros, a pharetra tellus vestibulum hendrerit. In in egestas libero. Aliquam aliquam at tortor et maximus. Mauris blandit a sapien nec aliquet. Duis molestie elit hendrerit turpis mollis, nec euismod justo fermentum. Fusce et sodales tortor. Duis dignissim justo at consectetur pellentesque.

This dashboard is an example of the possibilities of procurement analytics. It provides a view of suppliers' relationship by calculating the vendor share, PO value and volume. Vendor evaluation can improve company's negotiations, vendor segmentation and purchasing strategy.

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