Sub-optimal business processes and siloed data collection and definitions increased operational costs and caused revenue leakages that were hard to detect for these reasons. GainOps helped the business undergo a transformation including improved business processes, clearly identified KPIs for process control and data integration that provided a clear enterprise-wide view. This reduced operational costs, enabled revenue leakage detection and quantification and helped the enterprise improve organizational efficiency.

Month end sales commissions were calculated by various teams. The required data was distributed across different systems. It reflected silos, not the enterprise. This led to longer commission calculation time spans and significant errors. An earlier attempt to correct the process was obstructed as the persons who had built the existing system had left some time ago. Sales partners were frustrated due to commission calculating errors. The GainOps solution reduced calculation time and eliminated errors. The business recover the money they spent on the solution and much more as major errors such as paying the full commission amounts to each of reps and partners were rectified, the commission then being correctly divided between the two.

A manufacturer of motors who wanted to compete with China was taking a long to to complete sales as motors are very complex and each customer has markedly different requirements for their particular solution. Further, sales operations costs were high. GainOps designed and implemented a solution to give the manufacturer an edge over their competitors - manufacturing durations were shortened and only those components that were needed were manufactured leading to an optimized inventory.

A large cable manufacturer was not being able to ascertain the profitability of its sales representatives. The data required to calculate these was kept in disparate platforms - credit and debit notes in spreadsheets, orders in a web-based system and invoices in a home grown ERP system. This created obstructions to profitability computation. GainOps redesigned the data model and storage, automated the data collection processes and created dashboards to report each sales rep's profitability accurately and in detail.

An international logistics company had two distinct billing systems that could not support each other. This was a result of growth by acquisitions. GainOps effected a "soft integration" of the two systems to empower use of both while minimizing disruptions to the business processes. This also gave time to the business to carefully consider a new billing system.

A logistics company that had grown by acquisitions resulting in a patch work of systems and loosely shared knowledge to manage the field sales team. The company lost a lot of leverage and information with any attrition. GainOps identified metrics for effective sales force management and designed a solution to measure these. This resulted in an increase in sales.

An international food and beverage company that had grown by acquisitions resulting in a patch work of systems and loosely shared knowledge to manage the field sales team. The company lost a lot of leverage and information with any attrition. GainOps identified metrics for effective sales force management and designed a solution to measure these. This resulted in an increase in sales.

Generated leads were not being tracked. This led to the same customers and prospects being contacted by different representatives for the same topic, leafing to churn. It was not possible to ascertain what channel partners were doing with the leads. This increased CAC. The GainOps solution made lead tracking and analysis easy and helped find ways to reduce Churn and CAC.

A consumer packaged goods company used a "one size fits all" approach to customer service and consequently lost customers. GainOps designed and implemented a solution that identified particular needs of customers and assessed their churn risk. This helped the business reduce churn significantly.

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