20 order to cash analytics

Quote to Cash Analytics

Enable on time delivery to and payment from your customers.

Quote to Cash Analytics

Enable on time delivery to and payment from your customers.

Prebuilt Solution or Consulting Service
What is Quote to Cash Analytics?

Quote to cash is the process of converting a quote to an order, fulfilling that order and collecting cash. It is a key business process that brings in money into the organization. Order to cash analytics is understanding how long each stage take in the process and where the bottlenecks are .

Order to cash analytics is the analysis, at an aggregate level with drill down to each line item, of the following stages:

  • Generating a quote
  • Getting an order
  • Fulfilling that order
  • Shipping that order
  • Invoicing that order
  • Collecting cash/cheque
  • Revenue recognization

Of course there are multiple mini-steps for each of the above points that but it is safe to assume that if the aggregate is working fine then the sub-steps are fine as well.

Why Quote to Cash Analytics matter?

Quote to cash matter to the revenue operations function because:

  • A person can sell all they can but will the company deliver on the promised timelines? The inability to meet timelines is the key reason for dissatisfied customers.
  • Quote to cash is not one and done because the timelines change daily and consequently the ability for the sales rep to set up promise dates
  • Understand the status of the order - one of the largest time sinks for a sales rep.
  • Do you really want the sales rep to sell more if the customer has not paid for past orders?

Quote to cash analytics matter to other functions because:

  • Quote to cash analytics enable us to understand how efficient the business
  • Where the bottle necks are and what needs attention within the business.
  • Directly impacts cashflow - the lower the number of days to convert an order to cash the less working capital is required. Amazon is a great example. In fact have negative order to cash. Amazon charges a credit card at the time an order is placed! There is a direct correlation between the number of days it take generate cash from the order and the valuation of the company.
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