003 crm satisfaction

Customer Experience

How easy are you to do business with

Customer Experience

How easy are you to do business with

Consulting Service
What is Customer Experience?

Customer experience can mean many things to many people. The three buckets it usually falls into are:

  1. Completeness of process
  2. Policies that define how easy are you to do business
  3. How easy is to transact business online with you – (Rep free purchasing)

Amazon is an easy example for all three:
Amazon has thought about the end to end buying process (including returns)
Amazon is easy to do business with – I can order six pairs of shoes (what can be more personal than shoes?) keep what fits me well and return the others and none fit me – return them all.

But other examples exists: like Geico in the car insurance space.
I got hit by another car in the parking lot. It was easy to file a claim via the mobile (didn’t even need to down load a app). My exact situation was not defined in their online app so I had to call and the person but the call was really easy. Took my car in for repairs which were a breeze and they had a rental car waiting for me during the duration of the car was in for repairs. Very easy to do business with.

Why Customer Experience matters?

A better customer experience drives revenue.

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Engaging with GainOps is one of the best things we have done in our corporate history. Engaging with GainOps is one of the best things we have done in our corporate history. Engaging with GainOps is one of the best things… Read More
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